Current members

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    Olivier joined ICPEES as independent young researcher (Chargé de Recherche) in February 2023. His interests are in understanding the chemical and electrochemical doping mechanisms of highly structured organic semiconductors for bioelectronic and thermoelectric applications. A physicist by training, he obtained his MSc in Nanoscience and Engineering Physics at the Grenoble Institute of Technology (Phelma, France) in partnership with Imperial College London (UK). To better understand the molecular design of the materials he was studying, he completed a PhD at Université Grenoble Alpes/CEA Grenoble (France) with Dr. Renaud Demadrille from 2016 to 2019. He focused on the organic synthesis of n-type polymers and their doping for thermoelectric and photovoltaic applications. From 2020 to 2023, he developed his skills in time-resolved spectroscopy and data analysis during a post-doctoral stay in the FemtoMat group of Prof. Natalie Banerji at the University of Bern. Notably, he improved the electronic performance of organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) and identified energetical and morphological factors limiting the (de)doping kinetics of the polymer channel during device operation. His research can be found on ScholarVox

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    Edoardo Bartolini started his PhD in Strasbourg in October 2023, under the supervision of Nicolas Leclerc and Anthony D’Aleo, with a project involving the design and synthesis of new Thermally-Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) polymers for optoelectronic applications. Before moving to Strasbourg he studied Chemistry in Italy, receiving his Bachelor’s degree at the Giacomo Ciamician Department of Bologna and his Master’s degree at the Material Science Department of the University of Milano-Bicocca, specializing in organic chemistry, photochemistry and polymer chemistry.

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    Laure Biniek obtained her Ph.D in Chemistry from University of Strasbourg in 2010. Following a postdoc at Imperial College London within Iain McCulloch group in 2011, and a second 2 year-postdoc in the team of Martin Brinkmann at Institut Charles Sadron, she has been hired as CNRS researcher in 2014 at ICS. She has experiences in the design, synthesis and characterization of semi-conducting polymers for organic photovoltaics and field effect transistors. Her research interests now focus on structure-property correlations. She is currently developing bulk conducting porous polymer for thermoelectrics.

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    Dr. Martin Brinkmann received his PhD from the Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) France. He was postdoc at CNR in the group of C. Taliani (CNR, Italy) and then with Prof. E. L. Thomas (MIT, USA) before joining the Institute Charles Sadron as a researcher in 2000. He has been appointed research director in 2013 and was group leader of SYCOMMOR until 2021. His research interests focus on the nexus film processing/material structure/electronic properties , especially for p-conjugated (macro)molecular materials and self-assembled systems.

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    Anthony D’Aléo received his PhD from the University of Amsterdam (van’t Hoff institute) in January 2006. After two post-doctoral fellowship in the group of chemistry for Optics (ENS Lyon) and inorganic chemistry (lanthanide photophysics, University of California, Berkeley, USA), he was appointed in Centre Interdisciplinaire des Nanosciences de Marseille (CINaM) as a CNRS researcher in 2009. At the start of 2018, he joined 2B FUEL (Unité Mixte International) in Seoul until the end of 2019. He was then working for slightly more than one year in a start-up (KOALA Tech Inc) before joining the Institut de physique et de chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS) in April 2021. He research focus on the design, synthesis and photophysical properties of organic dyes for organic electronic applications.     

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    Thomas DUCATEL obtained his M.S degree in materials sciences and engineering from the University of Strasbourg (France) with a specialization in engineering of materials and nanomaterials. He’s also graduated from the ITI HiFunMat program and spent half a year as a second-year intern at the ICUBE laboratory to study ionic accumulation effects in “PSLM” (Photovoltaic Spatial Light Modulator) devices. He is currently working on PSLMs as a Ph.D. student (under the supervision of T.Heiser) and aims to improve the device transparency by integrating oriented semiconducting polymers as internal and external PSLM polarizers.

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    Souhail ESSADIKI is a PhD student at Institute Charles Sadron (CNRS), under the supervision of Dr. L. Biniek. He obtained in 2022 his M.S degree in material science and engineering from the University of Upper Alsace (UHA). His research focus is on porous conducting polymers for thermoelectrical applications.

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    Benoît Heinrich obtained his PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, in 1993, on structural investigations of liquid crystals. After post-doctoral fellowships at Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and University of Sheffield (UK), he joined IPCMS laboratory as a CNRS Engineer. His core activity is the investigation of structure and properties of molecular, polymeric and other materials. Essential investigation tools are X-ray scattering and diffraction at lab scale and at synchrotrons (SAXS/WAXS, GISAXS/GIWAXS, XRD…), combined to thermal and optical analyses and specific structure modeling techniques. Main fields of interest are crystallography, soft matter, molecular self-assembly, phase transitions and thin film morphology.

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    Thomas Heiser received his Ph.D. in semiconductor and device physics from the University of Strasbourg (France) in 1987, where he was appointed a faculty member in 1988. He joined the University of California at Berkeley (USA) as a visiting scholar in 1995 for two years. He is currently professor at the engineering school (Telecom Physique Strasbourg) of the University of Strasbourg, where he is responsible for teaching semiconductor and device physics. His current research focuses on organic semiconductors and their applications in optoelectronic devices, in particular organic solar cells, chemical sensors, and optically addressed spatial light modulators.

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    Nicolas Leclerc received his PhD from the Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris, France) in 2003. After completing his post-doctoral research at Laval University in Mario Leclerc's team (Québec, Canada), he joined the Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health (ICPEES) of the University of Strasbourg (France) as a CNRS researcher in 2005. He has been appointed research director in 2020. He is the Head of the organic electronic team at ICPEES. His research interests focus on the development of new molecular and macromolecular organic semiconductor materials and their applications in optoelectronics.

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    Patrick Lévêque received his Ph.D. in Material Science from the University of Poitiers (France) in 1998. He joined the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in the department of Solid States Electronics in Stockholm (Sweden) in 1999 and started to work on organic electronics in Nantes University (France) in 2003. He became appointed as a faculty member in Strasbourg University (France) in 2004 His current research focuses on organic semiconductors and their applications in solar cells and on charge-carrier dynamics in these devices.

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    Yaochen Lin received his PhD in Liquid Crystal Nanocomposites from the University of Littoral Côte d’Opale (France) in 2017. After a two-years post-doctoral fellowship at IES institute of Montpellier (France), he became appointed as a faculty member in Strasbourg University (France) in 2020. His current research focuses on the electric and optoelectronic properties of liquid crystals and the development of semiconductor optoelectronic devices using liquid crystals.

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    Loïc Mager got is PhD (physics) in 1994 from University Paris-Saclay (former Paris-Sud). He entered CNRS in 1995 and since then worked at the IPCMS in Strasbourg. His main topic is the development and the processing of organic materials for applications to optics.

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    Evelyne Martin is a CNRS Research director. She received her Ph.D. in Materials Sciences from the University of Lille (France) in 1997. After more than 20 years at the IEMN (Lille), she joined the ICube institute in 2020. Her research interest focuses on the atomic-scale modelling of the structure and dynamics of materials by classical and first-principles molecular dynamics, in particular to investigate the thermal conduction at short scale.

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    Stéphane Méry obtained his PhD in 1990 from the University of Bordeaux (France). After a two year post-doctoral fellowship at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC (USA), he was appointed as CNRS researcher at IPCMS in Strasbourg, France. ( His current research activities cover the design and synthesis of Self-organized π-conjugated materials for organic electronics (eg. photovoltaics, sensors), Siloxane-based functional materials, π-conjugated molecular liquids for fluidic (opto)electronic applications.

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    Amparo Ruiz Carretero is a “Chargée de Recherche” (Assistant Professor) at the Institute Charles Sadron (CNRS) in Strasbourg (France). She studied chemistry at the University of Castilla – La Mancha (Spain), where she obtained her PhD under the supervision of Prof. A. de la Hoz and Dr A. Sanchez. She spent a big part of her PhD in the group of Prof. E. W. Meijer and Prof. A. Schenning. Afer postdocts in the groups of Prof. S. Stupp (Northwestern University) and Prof. L. De Cola (University of Strasbourg), she obtained her current CNRS position in 2015. Her research interests include the study of hydrogen-bonded semiconductors, supramolecular chirality and spin dynamics in charge transport properties.

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    Yamini Sharma completed her master's degree at the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India. Following this, she worked as a project associate at the same institute before relocating to South Korea for nine months. she is pursuing currently her Ph.D. in organic materials for optoelectronics under the supervision of Anthony Daleo (IPCMS) and Nicolas Leclerc (ICPEES). Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on developing organic molecules for harvesting triplets energy level and their application in OLEDs.

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    Emilie Steveler is graduated with a PhD in materials physics from Lorraine University (France). Since 2015, she has been an assistant professor at INSA Strasbourg (France) and works in the Materials for electronic and photovoltaic devices group at the ICube laboratory. She is interested in the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor materials, and more particularly in the exciton dynamics in organic materials.

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    Julien TAILLIEU obtained his master degree in condensed matter and nanophysics at the university of Strasbourg (France). After a six months internship at the ICube laboratory on the atomic scale modelling of the phase change material Sb2S3, he is currently working as a Ph.D student (under the supervision of E.MARTIN) on the diffusion and recombination of excitons in organic materials in order to optimise photovoltaic converters. 

  •  IPCMS
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    Aaron Frei obtained his Masters degree in Molecular and Biological Chemistry at EPFL in 2021, he spent the following year working in the GDP of Professor J-E. Moser, a group specializing in ultrafast spectroscopic techniques and photochemistry, as a research engineer with the goal of studying electron dynamics in perovskite and hole transport materials such as Spiro-OMeTAD.
    He harbors a particular interest for photo-physics and photo-chemistry, which led him to join the NOMPOM team under the supervision of Dr. Loïc Mager and co-supervision of Dr. Anthony D’Aléo as a PhD student. His research focus will be on studying the use of TADF (Thermally Assisted Delayed Fluorescence) molecules for organic LASER applications.
    Aaron Frei obtained his Masters degree in Molecular and Biological Chemistry at EPFL in 2021, he spent the following year working in the GDP of Professor J-E. Moser, a group specializing in ultrafast spectroscopic techniques and photochemistry, as a research engineer with the goal of studying electron dynamics in perovskite and hole transport materials such as Spiro-OMeTAD.
    He harbors a particular interest for photo-physics and photo-chemistry, which led him to join the NOMPOM team under the supervision of Dr. Loïc Mager and co-supervision of Dr. Anthony D’Aléo as a PhD student. His research focus will be on studying the use of TADF (Thermally Assisted Delayed Fluorescence) molecules for organic LASER applications.
    Aaron Frei obtained his Masters degree in Molecular and Biological Chemistry at EPFL in 2021, he spent the following year working in the GDP of Professor J-E. Moser, a group specializing in ultrafast spectroscopic techniques and photochemistry, as a research engineer with the goal of studying electron dynamics in perovskite and hole transport materials such as Spiro-OMeTAD.
    He harbors a particular interest for photo-physics and photo-chemistry, which led him to join the NOMPOM team under the supervision of Dr. Loïc Mager and co-supervision of Dr. Anthony D’Aléo as a PhD student. His research focus will be on studying the use of TADF (Thermally Assisted Delayed Fluorescence) molecules for organic LASER applications.

  • Biography

    Gilles ULRICH obtained his PhD in chemistry in 1996 at the University of Strasbourg. After post-doctoral stays at the University of Kyushu (1996-1997) and the University of Heidelberg (1997-1998), he joined the CNRS at the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France). He returned to Strasbourg in 2003, he is currently Director of Research at the CNRS at the University of Strasbourg. His research focuses on the chemical engineering of purely organic and boron-based luminescent dyes for various applications ranging from optoelectronics to biological labelling.

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    Nicolas Zimmermann obtained his Advanced Technician's Certificate in Plastics and Composites in 1998. After working in private R&D laboratories for seven years (Lilly France, Dow chemicals), he joined CNRS in 2005 as a technician at the InESS laboratory (Strasbourg, France). He is currently in charge of the glove boxe systems at the ICube laboratory, a key equipment for the consortium's research in organic materials.

Former members

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    Ricardo Ávila obtained his PhD in physical chemistry in 2021 from the University of Strasbourg (France). He performed his PhD in the role of H-bonds in diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPPs) systems at Institut Charles Sadron. His research activities cover the development of small molecule organic semiconductors and the design of self-organized functional materials for optoelectronic properties.

  •  ICUBE
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    Nicolas Brouckaert obtained his M.S degree in material and nanosciences from the university of Strasbourg and worked for two years at the ICube laboratory (laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie) on various topics such as green solvent engineering and development of efficient organic photovoltaic units.
    He is now a Ph.D. student working in the Soft Photonic Science group at the University of Southampton (UK) under the supervision of Pr. Malgosia Kaczmarek and Pr. Giampaolo D'Alessandro. His Ph.D. topic is about improving performances of photovoltaic spatial light modulators by working on the liquid crystals and interfaces properties.

  • Biography

    Fabien completed his engineering degree in organic synthesis at the European School of chemistry and his MS in molecular and supramolecular chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. Fabien joined the ICPEES in 2018 to complete his PhD with Drs. Gilles ULRICH and Nicolas LECLERC. His doctoral research focused on the synthesis of Near infrared absorbing and/or emissive materials for OPV and Imaging applications.

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    Pablo obtained his MSc in molecular chemistry at Sorbonne university (Paris). Deeply interested in energy conversion and storage systems, he decided to start his PhD at ICPEES, under the supervision of Nicolas Leclerc, where he studied the thermoelectric properties of highly doped organic semiconductors. Among other things, he worked on single ether side chains PBTTT and its related effect on doping. He showed the great importance of ether position along the side chain and obtained state of the art results on some of his polymers. He’s currently at ICIQ (Tarragon) for a post-doctoral stay within the Antoni Llobet’s research group where he studies the (photo)electro-catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to fuels and other valuable chemicals.

  •  P-layer
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    Sadiara Fall received his M.S degree in micro- and nano-electronics, physical components and systems in 2009 from the University of Strasbourg (France). He was promoted to PhD from the University of Strasbourg in April 2013. He did his Ph.D. in the Organic Photovoltaic Components and Electronics group of the Laboratory of Science Engineering, Computing and Imaging (ICube) in Strasbourg, under the co-supervision of Dr. P. Lévêque and Prof T. Heiser. His thesis topic was the study of charge transport in organic semiconductors and its impact on photovoltaic performance. He then joined the CINaM institute (Marseille, France) as post-doctoral fellowship, where he conducted various studies on charge transport, carrier lifetime in active layers of solar cells and recombination at interfaces. He has been working as a research engineer at ICube laboratory, where he focused on the study and development of optoelectronic devices using organic semiconductors. In October 2023, he set up the start-up P-LAYER ( to produce self-powered dynamic glazing devices based on earlier work carried out at STELORG.

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    Jiang Jing obtained his M.S degree in chemistry (2018) from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology and his Ph.D in physics (2022) at the University of Strasbourg under the supervision of Dr. Emilie Steveler and Prof. Thomas Heiser. He is interested in charge transport and exciton dynamics in organic semiconductor materials.

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    Elise Jouaiti obtained her bachelor’s degree in physics and chemistry at the University of Lorraine (Nancy) and is currently a second year master student in materials and nanosciences (IMN) at the University of Strasbourg. She worked as a first year master intern on improving the spatial resolution of the “PSLM” (Photovoltaic Spatial Light Modulator) in the MaCEPV team at the ICube Laboratory. As a second year master student, she is still working part time in the team during the first semester on several topics such as green solvent engineering and the “PSLM” project.

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    Gabriel MARTINEZ obtained a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Valle in Colombia from where he moved to the University of Rochester in the United States to work as a research assistant in 2018. Then, he obtained a master’s degree in complex systems chemistry in 2020 from the University of Strasbourg. He is currently a 3rd year Ph.D. student working at Charles Sadron Institute investigating the role of hydrogen bonding in supramolecular polymers with applications in organic electronic devices.

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    Jing Wang obtained her M.S degree in Material Sciences in 2017 from the Ocean University of China, Qingdao, and her Ph.D in physics in 2021 at the University of Strasbourg under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Heiser. She has done her PhD on the design of alternative solvents for the sustainable manufacturing of organic solar cells and has been working on photovoltaic spatial light modulators as a Post-Doc at ICUBE.

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    Quentin Weinbach is a PhD student at Institut Charles Sadron in Strasbourg. He received his MS degree in material engineering and nanosciences from the University of Strasbourg and his engineering degree in functional materials and nanosciences from the European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials in Strasbourg in 2019. His research focuses on porous polymer thermoelectric materials.

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    Yuhan Zhong obtained her M.S degree in physical chemistry and materials from the university of Strasbourg. She worked as a Ph.D. student in ICube (Le laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie) and ICS (Institute Charles Sadron) on photovoltaic spatial light modulators for self-activated glazing, under the supervision of Prof. T. Heiser and Dr. M. Brinkmann.